Singing Guide: The Avener

Singing Guide: The Avener

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Avener's unique style of music combines elements of deep house, blues, and folk. However, his music can be challenging to replicate because he uses a variety of sound samples and mixes. To achieve his sound, you need to focus on your timing and your understanding of the different components of your singing. The following tips and resources will help you get started:

  • Timing

Playing with timing is one of the keys to achieving The Avener's signature sound. To understand timing, you need to focus on rhythm. The following video will provide you with a practical exercise that will teach you how to tap into your rhythm: Chest voice vs. Head voice

  • Voice

The Avener's style requires a deep and uncompromising voice. To achieve a deep and rich voice, you can follow breathing techniques that promote a fuller tone. The exercises in this video will guide you through breathing techniques that The Avener has mentioned as essential. Warm-up with Diaphragmatic breathing

  • Song Selection

Finally, The Avener's song selection is important. He includes samples of old blues and folk music in his work. You can find The Avener's music in our song Search, which will also provide you with sheet music and audio for the songs that interest you.

These resources, combined with practice and dedication, will help you achieve The Avener's unique sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.